Welcome to NCF.

Our church's mission to love God, love others, and make disciples defines everything we do. Since 2002, we've been reaching the community of Spokane, Washington with the powerful message of Jesus Christ, and training Christians to love and follow Him with all their hearts. If you're interested in what we're up to, take a look at some of the options below!

Last Week

"The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail"

Series: The Life of Elijah - Part 4



Special Meeting - Phase 3 Building Update

  • On April 13th after 2nd service, we will be holding a short meeting for all that will include a building project update.  During this update we will be taking a member’s only vote to approve our loan with Northwest Baptist Foundation.


Spring Cleanup

  • Spring Cleaning is coming up April 12th! 9am - 2pm! Sign ups for jobs will start next week! Lunch will be provided.


Upcoming Baptisms

  • We will be holding baptisms on Sunday, April 13!  If you would like to be baptized mark the back of your connection card or contact the church office. 


Worship Night

  • We will have a worship Sunday, April 13th!  Bring your favorite potluck dish and fellowship at 6pm, then stay to worship at 7pm.  Invite a friend to join us!  Sign up at the donut table if you plan to attend.


Women's Breakfast

  • Come spend your morning at The Pines Cafe @ Whitworth with the Women's Breakfast group on Wednesday, April 9th @ 9-10:30am. We will be learning, “Planting your Faith", based on Jesus' parable in Matthew 13. Marlane will demonstrate potting your seedlings.  Be prepared to share about the "weeds"in your daily walk of faith. Please text Marlane Gruver at 939-5293  if you will be joining in.


Foundational Faith Group

  • Ladies, join in the spring Foundational Faith Apologetics group for a book study of Contagious Faith.  We will be meeting on Tuesdays from 7-8:30 starting April 15th.  If you have any questions see Natalie Minnich or Laura Seidel.  Sign up in the youth room. 


Women's Fall Retreat Dates

  • Women’s Ministry has an amazing retreat planned this year.  Get these dates on your calendar, October 3-5— more info to come soon!