There will be one service only on January 19, 2025 at 9 am.

Welcome to NCF.

Our church's mission to love God, love others, and make disciples defines everything we do. Since 2002, we've been reaching the community of Spokane, Washington with the powerful message of Jesus Christ, and training Christians to love and follow Him with all their hearts. If you're interested in what we're up to, take a look at some of the options below!

NCF Bible Academy: Bibliology Course
Wednesdays, 6-7 at NCF - Starting January 22nd

NCF Bible Academy welcomes you to join us in a comprehensive study of Christian Theology.  As you navigate the Scriptures, our courses are designed to grow your understanding of theology and deepen your faith. In this 12 course program you will dive into the text, discuss with others, and share with your family or friends what you are learning. Our goal is to empower you to move forward in your faith and relationship with God.


The first course of our NCF Bible Academy is our Bibliology course.  It is an 11 week study on how the Bible was constructed and how God speaks to mankind. The course begins Wednesday, January 22nd.  It will run from 6-7pm each week for a total of 11 weeks.  Sign up online today!

Sign Up Here!

Last Week

"Giving in Light of Eternity"

Series: 1 Corinthians - Part 45



NCF Bible Academy

  • NCF Bible Academy welcomes you to join us in a comprehensive study of Christian Theology.  As you navigate the Scriptures, our courses are designed to grow your understanding of theology and deepen your faith. In this 12 course program you will dive into the text, discuss with others, and share with your family or friends what you are learning. Our goal is to empower you to move forward in your faith and relationship with God. 

  • The first course of our NCF Bible Academy is our Bibliology course.  It is an 11 week study on how the Bible was constructed and how God speaks to mankind. The course begins Wednesday, January 22nd.  It will run from 6-7pm each week for a total of 11 weeks.  Sign up at the donut table this week. 


Fellowship Six

  • Sign up for Fellowship 6 at the Donut Table! Fellowship 6 allows you to meet with up 6 people (including you) 3 times, over the next 3 months for a meal.  Use the time to get to know others in our church family.


Annual Family Meeting

  • Save the Date - January 19th we will have only 1 service at 9am!  January 29th at 6:30pm will be our Annual Family Meeting here at NCF.


Growth Class 101

  • Growth Class 101 will be held Monday, February 3rd at 6:30pm here at NCF.  If you would like to sign up to attend please mark the back of your connection card or contact the church office.