The Women's Ministry plans and facilitates programs to minister to the women in our church. We host a yearly Women's Retreat, Lunch Events, and other fun events and activities.
The Women's Ministry plans and facilitates programs to minister to the women in our church. We host a yearly Women's Retreat, Lunch Events, and other fun events and activities.
NCF offers the following Women's small groups that meet regularly for prayer, bible study and fellowship...
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 9am at The Pines Café for coffee or breakfast. We encourage women in all seasons of life and are building life-long relationships. Contact Lani Conrad @ 509-263-9584 or Marlane Gruver @ 509-939-5293 for more information.
Join us as we read and discuss a new book each month written by Christian authors! We meet the 3rd Monday of each month at 9:30am. Location varies: For more information, please contact Doann Lovell @ (509) 951-3088.
If you love crafts but never seem to find time to do them, join us the 2nd Saturday of each month at NCF @ 9:30am to quilt, sew and create other fun projects, including a yearly mission project. Contact Sherry Braun @ (509) 844-6604 or Clarissa Leland @ (713) 394-8163 for more information.
The Women's Ministry Team at NCF hosts various events throughout the year, such as a Women's Weekend Retreat, Christmas Brunch, Ladies' Spring Lunch and more! To learn more about these events or for opportunities to serve others in Women's Ministry at NCF, please contact Julie Brownfield @ (509) 389-7411 or Machelle Matzdorff @ (509) 496-5354.